Sep 13

Revolutionary Message to the Sinking and Disappearing Middle Class

By Anonymous G

What we are witnessing in real time is the sinking and destruction of the middle class. Due to their position on the societal totem pole, the poor, often illiterate and very ignorant about theoretical dynamics of capitalistic and imperialistic workings in the society are already by a disgusting “default” of the system relegated to the most dehumanizing and labour intensive tasks of society with no form of economic stability to show for it.
The middle class however having had some level of education and semiprofessional jobs and nursed the hope of upward socioeconomic mobility. Until recent times they’ve rode slightly upwards and benefitted from the same exploitative system that has produced massive poverty and maintained oppression of the poor as fodder of society. With the continual corruption, embezzlement and damaging of the economy by the capitalistic political elite class and the corrupt bourgeoisie, the ripple effect of the system has started drowning the middle class hence the sinking for them has begun (Massive job cuts, devaluation of currency, crushing taxes, non-existent social services etc). To consolidate their hold on society, the ruling class will always shift the externalities of their mismanagement onto the masses, the middle class included, while they use the state to insulate themselves from the effects.
Lack of jobs and economic hardship has relegated the middle class to survival mode and taking on numerous forms of petty trade and even in some cases artisanal works/jobs (previously reserved for the lower class and poor). With the little money they’ve accumulated during the “good times” they’ve all alarmingly started “businesses” succumbing to the “entrepreneurship” and “empowerment” farce and deception being propagated by a government that is doing absolutely nothing to better the economy, create jobs or industrialize society. The hard fact is that, the only destination for the docile, apolitical semi educated middle class is down with the poor if they don’t also struggle to save the Nigerian nation and fundamentally change the system. There is a class war going on! It is class analysis like this that erases tribal, religious and ethnic sentiments because we can see profiteering elites cutting across all tribes and religion doing fantastically well while the poor get poorer and the middle class sinks downwards into poverty and hopelessness. Class consciousness gives us a clear picture of where we are as a nation and our revolutionary duty.
Remember! Nigeria is the poverty capital of the world with massive concentrations of wealth in the hands of a few. This is a major contradiction of unending capital accumulation by the ruling elites who use the state as the number one tool to enshrine and protect their parasitic modus operandi. The enlightened middle class armed with information and revolutionary education must organize and align itself with the poor masses to take power from the parasitic ruling class and build a working system for all. Whatever the tribe or religion, we belong to a certain class, the class of the exploited! Look and examine yourself as you read this.

Revolution Now!!!!!

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