By Adebayo Eleduasomiji Adedeji The democratic electoral process merely changes the personalities in power but failed to wipe out domination of our government by agents of imperialism who rule on behalf of the rich classes for the rich classes Democracy is the system of the rich, instigated by rich, beneficiary... read more →
By Sango Omojola African people’s traditional religious and spiritual belief is traditionally characterised by a tolerance for other religious beliefs whereas foreign religions which have come to dominate in much of Africa are traditionally characterised by a lack of tolerance for other beliefs. Christianity, a very intolerant and violent religion... read more →
To the Nigerian Masses, the sovereign peoples of Nigeria. In the wake of the global pandemic health emergency Covid-19, the hardship the poor Nigerian masses are facing has been emphasized even more, and this hardship will likely continue to increase in this time of peril. Prior to the... read more →
Written by Toheeb A. BANKOLE “Arise O compatriots, Nigeria( Revolution) calls, obey! To serve our Father’s land with love and strength and faith, The labour of our heroes’ past shall never be in vain…..” Isn’t that what our National Anthem proposes? The labour of our heroes’ past is fitting into... read more →