Apr 16

Democracy, Crazy Demo , Demonstration of craze, Crazy Demonstration

By Adebayo Eleduasomiji Adedeji The democratic electoral process merely changes the personalities in power but failed to wipe out domination of our government by agents of imperialism who rule on behalf of the rich classes for the rich classes

Democracy is the system of the rich, instigated by rich, beneficiary for the rich, that should be the narrative to be proven to the masses. Democracy as a system controlled by the narrative of the ruling class has been sugarcoated to the oppressed as a system good for them and that will reduce class segregation. But if we apply dialectical materialism to observe democracy that is merged with capitalism (predominantly practised from 19 century till date) then we would come to the realization democracy is just a branded system of plutocracy and oligarchy. After the fall of monarchy and oligarchy in Western Europe that colonized the world, the elites organized themselves to formulate a broader concept that would pretend to involve the poor in the electorial process to slect new leaders to take the affairs of government. But in the system of Democracy all criterias to apply for political position are held by the ruling class (rich) caucus. The revolution in France as a case study clarified after the revolt of the oppressed against their oppressors, the masses (from my own view) failed to organized themselves to bring out a new system that would govern France to the benefit of the masses before the organized elites hijacked the leadership. In the democratic sphere, only the privileged, educated folks of the elites are guaranteed to the realm of power due to the fact the criteria doesn’t favoured the working class since before the revolution there is mass exploitation that subjugated the people into low wages jobs which their earning can’t be sustainable to acquired education. The narrative that democracy gives the people the power to choose their leaders into political office is a fallacy spread by the media of the elites to please the masses. The masses vote the candidate chosen by the elites due to the heavy sponsorship required in an election which the working class can’t afford if they decided to aspire for a position. Democrats and Republicans are typical parties of the elites sponsored by the corporate world to push their candidates for political position. Even the supposed father of democracy Abraham Lincoln was a sell out chosen by the ruling class to push the narrative that even Working class has place in the democractic system but at the end his government cabinet was saturated with elites, that’s why during the slavery days it was hard for me him to abolish slavery that might lead to the elites turning against him, not until Fredrick Douglass pushed hard for the abolishment of slavery and Abraham Lincoln enacted it into law because the elites was scared the slaves might revolt and burnt down all plantation that was the economic foundation of USA then.

Practically, Nigeria copied the same democratic system orchestrated by the west which imbedded imperialism in the highest order that falls in the interest of the elites and suppressed the masses. From the inception of democracy, it has always conceptualized class differences of the society.The democratic electoral process merely changes the personalities in power but failed to wipe out domination of our government by agents of imperialism who rule on behalf of the rich classes for the rich classes . Neo colonialism which controlled the psychological faulty of our elites, has made our democratic system worse because the ruling class lack ideas to run a government based on african pathology to lift our people from underdevelopment and our ruling class are fantasied with the ways of west which always put us at the bottom. From the military regime downward to the democratic system of today hasn’t changed the lives of it citizens. We are still facing 75% poverty rate, our hospitals are not well equipped, our roads are still dilapidated, our schools are Indoctrinated centers etc. The social structure only benefits the rich and make the poor more poorer.

The oppressed citizens of Nigeria need to come to the realization that is not about the practice of democracy that would take our people from poverty, even in Cuba Castro used his military regime to take people out of poverty same as Thomas Sankara did in Burkina faso. Our agitation should be centered in organizing the oppressed to break down the power of imperialism that has kept economic power in the terrain of the elites backed by the ruling class and keeping the people locked down in poverty. We can only achieve our struggle if we continue to speak,act and defend for total restructuring of our society on the template of pan Africanism and socialism.


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