Jun 20


By Adebayo Eleduasomiji Adedeji
Corporate globalization is an economic saboteur plan, orchestrated by the corporate elites to keep the third world countries underdeveloped through capital penetration, market dominance, superior mobilization of force & violence, control of land & labour, and monopoly ownership to help the business minority class to establish firm control of the state and remove its capacity to respond to the demand of the majority. Corporate globalization is an anti democratic concept, that bestows economic hegemony over the developing third world countries in hands of the few international and local bourgeoisie reaping off Nations wealth in the name of free trade. Corporate expansion grew rapidly on the basis of transnational trade & investment, with imperialistic pattern that had weakened labour rights, environmental protection, public interests, political influence of the majority and escalate world oppression, poverty & inequality on enormous scale. 
Majority of the people might not know that corporate elites have paid vast sums of money to the intellectuals to feed the public a different perspective of what corporate globalization entails through the mass media to allow their views prevail. Globalization as a matter of fact is an advancement of imperialism penetration of capital flow for more wealth, more wealth means great poverty. Globalization adheres to world opportunity, which determines second phase of slavery and colonialisation on the third world. Slavery and colonialisation was an instrument to get access to natural resources and cheap labor in order to feed the supply and demand of Europe market and that same methodology has metamorphosised creating international institutions to disrupt the economic growth of former colonies of the west to become dependent on the economic power of the cooperate elites.
The imperialistic violence of slavery and colonialisation against humanity still continue under cooperate globalization in a sophisticated form, in order to keep the interests of the upper class. The corporate elites especially those from United States of America have made so much money from the privatization of all sectors, with wealth centered in hands of the few individuals, they have the power to influence the political terrain to compel the ruling class to create laws and polices behind closed doors without national debates for public opinion before being enacted. Those laws and policies will be pushed out to the international organizations in which USA is a key player. For instance, the national bourgeoisie of top capitalist powerful countries rally round the international economic organizations from International Monetary Fund, to World Trade Organization and United Nations conference on trade & development etc to create an open world market polices for the top dogs to crash into the developing economy of the third world with the concept of Laissez-faire (free market capitalism).
Policies of the international organizations is of no doubt stagnant to the growth of the developing world economy prospect. Since laissez-faire has overruled democratic sovereignty, it gives the right to penetrate into any country market.  The flow of capital coming from Western banks and corporate elites will create bigger competitors to the developing nationalized sectors of the developing world and if the import coming from the capitalist metropolis supersedes the export of third world, the countries will fall under deficit with debts to pay and that is an opportunity for the corporate elites to step in to mandate the third world political leaders into an agreement to privatize all sectors in exchange for capital to clear their debts. When the corporate elites take over the local market, they restructure the wages and salaries to surplus their profits; with so much capital actualized from the private sectors, they partner with the local ruling class buying lands for building of plants to manufacture goods for the world market; expansion of real estate that would skyrocket rents render the majority homeless. The corporate elites use enormous money to push their own candidates during election period both in their own countries and in developing countries.
In order for America to protect their imperialistic framework and corporate elites interests, they built over 300 military bases all over the world to counter any progressive socialist government that debunked capitalistic market using economic sanctions by international organizations influenced with USA backing.  From Asia, Latin America, to Africa we’ve seen imperialistic powers show joint violence invading the third world in the aim of supposedly defending democracy but it’s all a lie to destabilize the nationalized economy centered on people interests and create a capitalist economy market for the corporate elites to exploit both human and labour of the specific country. In order for Africa to stop the exploitation and subjugation we need to come together to create a socialist pan Africanism solution to protect our continent.  Not coming together will make us prey of corporate globalization and we need to continue speak, act, and defend African unity; through our unity we can build a solid continental economy and organized military to crush imperialist organization. IRE

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