May 07

Colonized mind, the highest stage of terrorism

By Adebayo Eleduasomiji Adedeji

The conditioning of the colonized mind has made itself an antagonist of the progression of it original identity. The colonized has to know if it doesn’t deals with reality for what it is, it will be dealing with illusions and fantasies which would navigate itself into a blindfolded mode not able to solve the problems confronting it people. The colonized is unconscious to acknowledge that it body and ideas is operating on the template it has minimal knowledge about, it mind sees through it eyes and it direct it eyes of what to see due to the way is been program to think. The colonized idolized authority and fear has made it believe in all kinds of nonsense that is detrimental to is advancement, it secure is advancement in the hands of people that has robbed, raped, hanged and murdered is ancestors and it also lack the essence to see itself as an upright being not to held itself in high esteem to the Religion expression of is oppressors. The colonized is nurtured to believed in the descriptions of is oppressors to guide it life perspectives and is endowed itself into slavery mentality.  

When you allowed someone else create in you a personality of their own liking, automatically you’ve allowed them condition you into a state where by you’ve lost position of your self acknowledgement, you be trying with prestige to do more to be on equal with your colonizer but never think of being independent of your own originality. the colonizers are very deceptive to understand that in order to make colonialisation of the mind effective, it must be an elementary process, that why when the Arabians and Europeans invaded africa they massacre majority of the adults that rejected the practices of foreign culture over their own ancestral customs and traditions, those that are vulnerable to the invaders especially women and children were left alive for purposes. Those children was really the main aim to be colonized, from tender age as 2 to 3 those children was assembly in a concentration camps supposedly called schools to be taught values of their oppressors as day to day norms of their lives and the annihilation of their history won’t be known to them. furthermore the process of colonialisation, the colonizer  created mystical love in order to fool the colonized and get more love in returned. A typical example of how the colonized is so in loved with values of their oppressors is the way an intellectuals of colonial studies would defend is colonized intellect for the progression of Africa which is just like trying to fix an engine of a tricycle to move a plane. The colonized intellectuals are blindfoldedly supporting the education that has leaded to the manipulation of science and technology, the elimination of mankinds and destruction of the planet Earth etc. The  imperialistic values of the colonizers has been globalized and back up with international organisations to control the views of the world into subjugation of higher power. 

We can’t be liberated until we liberate ourselves from false reality. You can’t make power of yourself through consumption of foreign values, the actualization of power comes within the space of your profound originality. Self knowledge is the knowledge of reality inside your body and mind and it the duty of the liberated to speak,act and defend the truth that guides the liberation of the colonized from the shackles of mental slavery. IRE

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